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   Your support is really powerful
Every Child Deserves To Know That Someone Else Cares!

Manny’s Pack is an organization in honor of Baby Manny who left this world after 10 joyous months. 


Manny loved spending time with family and friends while they packaged items to share with those in need. Family and friends have gathered to give back to less fortunate children.

Our goal is to provide care packs to children in need. 

Connect with us to learn more and get involved!

We Can Help Children To Feel Special and Loved!

With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find opportunities to help children to feel special and loved. Manny’s Packs are packs filled with fun toys, snacks, school supplies, and/or health care products (really - anything the children in your community need or that could put a smile on their face!).  These packs can be distributed to children in need at any time of year!

Manny’s birthday is October 23.  It would be great if any big distributions could happen around this time. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.


Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Contact Manny’s Pack

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